About The Book
why the second
American civil
war is inevitable
Their final objective is a one-world government.
Their strongest and most powerful opponent are the American people who believe in protecting their God’s endowed inalienable rights of freedom and liberties under the U.S. Constitution.
American patriots who believe in their nation’s sovereignty of a constitutional republic will be forced into armed, violent conflict to protect themselves from globalists’ enslavement and these Americans are called Nationalists.
The Globalists will never stop trying to destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.
Globalists have devoted their entire lives of money, resources, power and influence to never stop in eliminating our country from the world.
The New World Order Globalists’ ultimate goal is to establish a One-World Government.
The United States with its Constitution and its Bill of Rights is the most single national obstacle to the New World Order’s One-World Government.
Without the total destruction of the United States of America it will not be possible for the Globalists to install their One-World Government, therefore; it’s imperative they must totally terminate our Republic.
For the Globalists to achieve their final objective all independent nations throughout the world must be consumed by the New World Order.
Upon completion, all present-day citizens of existing independent nations will be labeled New World Order Subjects or Citizens of the World
There will be no freedom of speech and all personal liberties will be non-existent.
All facets of individual freedoms will be eliminated.
In fact, the terms individual and person will be removed from everyday language and vocabulary.
The terms national or nationalism will also be outlawed to be neither spoken or written by the strict laws of the New World Order.
Two other terms which will also be outlawed are freedoms and liberties.
In addition, the terms God, Creator or any word which suggests a power higher than the New World Government will also be banned from being used in this new tightly controlled global society.
The One-World Government will have complete control of all human languages.
Any person refusing to obey any New World Order laws and regulations will either be placed in “Re-education Detention Centers” or similar meaning worded institutions, or imprisoned for life, or even executed as being a serious threat to the stability and security of the One-World Government.
All people deemed as a threat to the New World Order will be removed from the One-World Government’s society.
I am merely giving you a few examples of what will occur to our basic freedoms and liberties which are now written in the United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights; that are endowed upon us by our God, our Creator or as described by our Founding Fathers as Divine Providence.
The 2024 Presidential Election was in fact a presidential election between nationalist presidential candidate President Donald Trump vs. globalist presidential candidate Kamala Harris.
Nationalism won a signification battle over Globalism in this presidential election.
However, President Trump’s re-election will not stop the Globalists from trying to reach their final goal of world conquest.
To the Globalists it was just a temporary distraction in obtaining their objective.
I guarantee, the Globalists already have an action plan in place to implement now that they have lost this presidential election.
I strongly suspect the Globalists will have a two-prong attack plan to force our nation into a Second Civil War
One prong’s angle will come from the international level while the second prong’s line of attack will be internal from inside our country.
The Globalists most potent tactics in their overall strategy is division and chaos, which leads to death and destruction and eventually to the complete breakdown of a nation’s social structure.
Globalists have been using this type of tactical strategy for centuries and has been proven to be very effective, so therefore, there is no reason for them to change from what has already been successful for them.
The Globalists must cause sufficient division within our society for enough of their Useful Idiots to initiate a violent spark which will escalate into wider violent conflicts which will thereby increase to a country-wide violent confrontation leading into a national civil war.
Globalists will use both external and internal provocations as a means to force Americans into choosing a side to violently protect what the people believe to be in their own self-interests.
There is no doubt in my mind the violence will start with Globalists Internal Useful Idiots from within our country coupled with Globalists External Useful Idiots from other nations.
This is why I firmly believe the Second American Civil War is Inevitable!
The only question is: When?